model name :HE-04
Easy to look ,easy to catch
45 deg Erected image View Finder
45 degree erect finder45 deg finder
true field 13 deg
erect image
Pointer with cap
mass  210 g

 The Sight finder (magnification is 1 times) is easy to use and useful .
 But recently the number of Stars which we can see with bare eyes is decreasing by the light pollution and those sight finders are no longer  so useful as before .
 ( I adopted Sight finder on my ergonomics telescope HE01 model and HE02 )
 So I have made this small view finder considering the merits of sight finders .
Low magnification and very wide true field ( Erect image ) of this finder gives the constellations image close to the bare eyes image but catch the stars which are not visible in the the bright sky.

 Making good use of my experience on the ergonomics telescope series , I adopt the 45 deg inclined eye piece and the pointer which can be use at the eye piece position .

using style

This finder is easy to make and very useful for refractor and Cassegrain type telescope .
Click here to see the constructions
